Services in Travel Clinic

Services in our Travel Clinic   These are our services: •   Pre and Post travel counseling •   Vaccination and certification. view Price List •   Malaria prevention and prophylaxis. •   Health check up and certificate •   Rabies post-exposure treatment•   Information center for tropical diseases and emerging diseases •   Laboratory diagnostic test for malaria, parasites, and other tropical diseases •  …


Malaria Map in SE Asia

Malaria map in Southeast Asia                 The information in this page is derived from “Mekong Malaria II” which is published in The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Volume 34 (supplement 4) 2003. This monograph could not be done without strong collaborations. Major contributors were SEAMEO Trop Med…


Training Opportunity

  Training opportunities in Tropical and Travel Medicine     1. Formal Training Courses: DTM&H, MCTM, MSc (Tropmed), Ph.D. (TropMed) The Bangkok School of Tropical Medicine, the educational arm of the Faculty of Tropical Medicine, offers regular postgraduate programs, from graduate diploma to doctoral levels. The school is acknowledged and approved by the American Society…

Education and Research

Education and Research          Apart from service part in “Thai Travel Clinic”, our staffs also play majors role in research and education as well. We established our academic part, the “Travel Medicine Research Unit” since 2006. It is the part of Department of Clinical Tropical Medicine in faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University. We…


Malaria Checking

24 Hrs Emergency Service for Malaria checking             Malaria is a fatal diseases especially with delay treatment. If you have fever while or traveling in the malaria risk area, you should seek for medical care immediately. Symptoms of malaria included fever with or without chill, headache, abdominal pain, myalgia, nausea and vomiting. Fever is…

Career Opportunities

  Career Opportunities             Although travel medicine is relatively new field in medicine, it is becoming increasingly more important especially in the era of globalization. Our institute, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol university has a clear mission to be a leader in Travel Medicine in Thailand. We play a major role in all aspects of Travel Medicine including services (Thai Travel Clinic),…

TMMapE new3

Location of our clinic

 Map of Thai Travel Clinicof the Hospital for Tropical Diseases (click on map for larger image) Instruction: How to visit us   By the BTS Sky Train (Click here for DETAIL MAP)1) Take BTS skytrain to Victory Monument station (click here for BTS route map) 2) Get off at Victory Monument station3) Take exit 34) Walk…

Vaccine price list

Available vaccines in our clinic     Vaccine Cost in Baht Cost in USD  Cholera vaccine (Dukoral®)  759 $23  New JE vaccine SA14-14-2 (CD JEvax®, Imojev®)  498 $16 Hepatitis A+B (Twinrix®) 1,080 $32 Hepatitis A vaccine (Avaxim®) 1,265 $37 Hepatitis B vaccine(Euvax B®) 314 $10 HPV vaccine (Gardasil®) 2,464 $72 Influenza vaccine   437 $13…

Our Staffs

 OUR STAFFS   Our Clinicians           1.  Dr. Watcharapong Piyaphanee (HEAD) M.D., Dip Thai Board of Internal Medicine, Dip Travel Medicine  MFTM RCPS (Glasgow), Dip Thai Board of Preventive Medicine (Travel Medicine), Certificate in Travel HealthTM         2. Assit. Prof. Udomsak Silachamroon M.D., DTM&H, Dip Thai Board of Internal Medicine, Dip in Pulmonary Medicine, Dip Thai Board of…


Welcome Page

Welcome to Thai Travel Clinic              Thai Travel Clinic is a special clinic of Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol university, Thailand. We provide comprehensive medical care for both Thai and Foreign travelers. Our services include: pre and post travel counseling, recommendation of travel vaccines, malaria protection and prophylaxis  as well as diagnosis…