Malaria Prevention in Travelers

Malaria Prevention in Travelers                       Since malaria in Thailand and in South East Asia are the multi drug resistance strain. The used of antimalarial prophylaxis should be advised by qualified medical staff only. Over-the-counter antimalarial drug is not recommended.                       In our clinic we provide counseling on basic knowledge of malaria, epidemiology, how to prevent…


Japanese Encephalitis

Japanese Encephalitis Compiled By   : Assoc.Prof. Chukiat Sirivichayakul                           Assist.Prof. Achara Asavanich Produced By  :  Information leaflet committee, Faculty of Tropical Medicine,                            Mahidol University and Department of Disease Control, Ministry                            of Public Health                      Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus. Transmission to man is mainly by the mosquito Culex tritaeniorrhynchus, which breeds in rice fields.   Transmission             Pigs are amplifying hosts of this…



Filariasis Compiled By  :  Assist. Prof. Narumon Komalamisra                          Assist. Prof. Achara Asavanich  Produced By  :  Information leaflet committee, Faculty of Tropical Medicine,                           Mahidol University and Department of Disease Control, Ministry                           of Public Health Filariasis         Filariasis is caused by a filarial worm which is a thread-like round worm inhabitiong the lymphatic system of humans. Mosquitoes are the main vectors of this disease. Distinct symptoms are…


FAQ about travelers’ diarrhea

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) About Travelers’ diarrhea     Complied by: Dr. Watcharapong Piyaphanee   Produced by: Information Leaflet Committee, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol Universit   What’s Travelers’ diarrhea?         Travelers’ diarrhea is the most common illness affecting travelers. Every countries is at risk for travelers’ diarrhea. But most cases occur in developing countries of Latin America, Africa,…


FAQ about malaria

    FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) About Malaria      Complied by: Dr. Watcharapong Piyaphanee  Produced by: Information Leaflet Committee, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University              This information only applies to Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries, since malaria in different parts of the world may have some specific characteristics. What is malaria?           Malaria is an infection…

Dengue hemorrhagic fever

    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Compiled By  :  Assoc.Prof. Chukiat  Sirivichayakul                           Assist.Prof. Achara Asavanich                           Ms. Vipa Prariyanuphan Produced By  :  Information leaflet committee, Faculty of Tropical Medicine,                            Mahidol University and Department of Disease Control, Ministry                            of Public Health                     The causative agent of denfue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is dengue virus, of which there are 4 serotypes. When a person is infected with dengue virus for…