
Fact about Dengue vaccine   hai Travel Clinic is a special clinic of Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol university, Thailand. We provide comprehensive medical care for both Thai and Foreign travelers. Our services include: pre and post travel counseling, recommendation of travel vaccines, malaria protection and prophylaxis  as well as diagnosis and treatment of tropical…


Residency training in the JTM

  Our Residency training program published in the JTM A 3-year journey to become a specialist        Journal of Travel Medicine 2016 23 (5): taw041 doi: 10.1093/jtm/taw041                 Journal of Travel Medicine has just published our manuscript on our residency training in travel medicine. It is the…

Research – Traveler’s diarrhea

 Research Project:  Incidence of traveler’s diarrhea among adult foreign travelers in Thailand      Background of the research    Diarrhea is the most common health problems reported among travelers during their trips in developing countries. Previous studies showed the reported attack rates was around 30-60%. However, many details informtaion of travelers’ diarrhea are remain unknown…

Research – Malaria Prophylaxis

 Research Project:  Compliance and reported adverse effects of malaria chemoprophylaxis among travelers     Background and Rationale               International travelers to malaria risk area has increased in recent year. WHO recommends travelers visiting malaria endemic countries to take chemoprophylaxis and use adequate protection against mosquito bites. However, there are some…

Research – International travelers with illness

 Research Project:   Knowledge, attitudes, practices, and self-treatment of sick international travelers      Background              International travel has become more and more popular especially in the last few decades. Unfortunately, health problems among international travelers in developing countries are not uncommon. Despite the large numbers of foreigners who stay or…


  Disclaimer   Welcome to the Thai Travel Clinic’s website. By visiting this website and accessing its content represent your consent to be bound by and abide by the following terms and conditions. Do not use the website if you do not agree with the following terms:   1. Information provided on the website While…